Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A New Day

Today I am feeling a lot more hopeful about it all. Whatever 'it' is. I went to sleep last night feeling at ease with my world and where I am in my world. Somehow it felt certain that I was being remembered in prayers and that was comforting. And someone has reminded me that it's best not to make rash decisions until I'm in a more peaceful frame of mind. Wise words. Although it seems a bit of an oxymoron to make a rash decision when peaceful...

So today I feel ok. Not so naive to believe I'm fixed.

I ran three miles at lunch with my friend Wiki. Did it in 24 minutes and 47 seconds. It's the first time I've run in months. Two blisters to show for it and after an hour I am finally regaining some strength in my arms. I'm not sure if I feel better for it!


Anonymous said...

can i comment anonymously?

Chris said...

apparently so.