(For the record, I've got justification for not taking the train. It's just too tedious for here.)
The propaganda was correct, the fares themselves were pretty good - £45.99 to go out, £25.99 to come back. It was what followed that became close to criminal.
The taxes: £18.95 from Birmingham, £20.00 from Glasgow. I can let these slide as BMI doesn't charge these
To choose your seats: To choose your own seat costs £6.50. For the extra legroom seats, well these cost another £12.50
To check luggage in: £9.98 per bag. (Five bags = £50)
To use their insurance (ticked by default): £6.50
To use their lounge in Birmingham: £15.00. I'm drinking this dry.
To use a Visa debit card to pay for the fare: £1.99. If you were foolish enough to use American Express, you'd be paying £4.99.
I'm sure they're right, the fares are tiny. But those extras are the size of Andre the Giant.

All of those are things that I don't want to pay for (including the tax). I can wear all my clothes on top of each other and put my toothbrush in my pocket (I have heaps of pockets when I'm wearing all my clothes). So if I can have a reduced fare by offloading costs for services I don't use to the customers who do I think that's a great thing. I also think that passengers should be weighed and there should be a charge per KG, because it is a proven fact that aircraft fuel consumption is directly proportional to payload weight.
I also think there should be a 20% fee for people that want air miles, rising to 50% if the recipient wants to rave on and on to people about where they went on their air miles, or how hard it is to book a flight with them.
Is there a charge for a visa credit card?
I suspect that you are under a cloud of environmental approvalism if you fear having to give a justification for your transport method choices :-).
The only way to pay 'for free' is to use a visa electron card. I believe that they decided that since having one of those was so pitiful they've cut their owners a little slack.
I (well, work) bought the lounge pass. It's gonna be dinner for me.
Environmental approvalism, huh? Perhaps I could have just said that I took the train from Glasgow to Oxford last Sunday and it took bloody ages, was crowded and was late. Or I could have just said, I'm flying, and don't judge me!
I'm betting I end up sitting beside the fat man and his screaming baby.
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